Jack Nay Ko Zin
Jack is the epitome of dedication in Functional Training Institute. He is soft spoken, detail oriented, extremely patient and is generous. When asked, “What moves you every day?” He said, “The fact that I help my client live a pain-free life, it is my driving force. I see it as the purpose of my life”.
Jack specialises in weight management, resistance training, prehab and rehab training, behavioural change, athletic training, senior citizens fitness training, body transformations, and nutrition coaching. He is also well known as the Scoliosis Expert in FTI.
Our dearest Jack had to go through his share of tough times as well. He contracted Covid-19 in late 2021. It depleted his overall health which led to a series of other lung infections. In early 2022, he had to get one of his lungs removed.
Life threw him a drowning battle but he resurfaced like a champion. Equipped with his technical knowledge and mountain-like perseverance, he is now back in action stronger than ever.
If you’re looking to push yourself beyond your limits, Jack is the coach you’re looking for!